Why the Acupuncture Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the Most Effective Treatment

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is a psychological disorder that an individual develops after enduring one or many traumatic events. Individuals who have experienced traffic collisions, been in warfare or sexually assaulted have a high probability of developing PTSD. Patients who are suffering from PTSD feel highly stressed, with disturbing thoughts and dreams and they feel frightened even when there is no danger around them in reality. Patients with this kind of disorder have a higher risk of harming themselves purposefully and commit suicide.

The acupuncture treatment for post traumatic stress disorder is one of the most effective treatments out there. Along with the traditional approach of counseling and prescribing anti-depressant pills, the acupuncture treatment is also used to assist in treating PTSD more effectively.

Based on holistic Chinese medicine, the best acupuncture for post traumatic stress disorder emphasizes on affecting the patient’s mind, body and spirit by placing a series of needles in some particular areas in their body. The acupuncture treatment helps to release neurotransmitters which in turn produces a sense of relaxation and calms down the nervous system of the patients who have PTSD.

The acupuncture treatment for post traumatic stress disorder strengthens neural pathways and enables the brain and body to heal at its own healing pace by making the parasympathetic nervous response strong.


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